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Monday, April 5, 2010

Why did Jesus Fold the Linen?

This was in an email circulation, but truly not one I had seen before. I'm literally copying and pasting it into this blog. I take no credit on the publication and don't know the author. But I find it interesting...

The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin,
> which was placed over the face of Jesus,
> was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes.
> The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly
> folded, and was placed separate from the grave clothes.
> Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the
> tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance.
> She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus
> loved. She said, 'They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I
> don't know where they have put him!'
> Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see.. The other disciple
> outran Peter and got there first. He stooped and looked in and saw the
> linen
> cloth lying there, but he didn't go in.
> Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. He also noticed the linen
> wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was
> folded up and lying to the side.
> Was that important?
> Absolutely!
> Is it really significant?
> Yes!
> In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin,
> you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of
> that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and
> Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.
> When the servant set the dinner table for the master,
> he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it.
> The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait,
> just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the
> servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was
> finished. Now if the master were done eating, he would rise from
> the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard,
> and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table.
> The servant would then know to clear the table.
> For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, 'I'm done'.
> But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin,
> and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table,
> because...
> The folded napkin meant, 'I'm coming back!'
He is Coming Back!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Back to Plan A

So, I haven't been online in ages, My computer crashed at an inopportune time (spelled B-R-O-K-E). No computer, no job, and no car left lots of time for "soul searching".

I have spent much of my time asking God the age old question "What am I suppose to be doing with my life?" I got an answer, but it was in the faint distance. I couldn't quite make out the words. So each day, I asked again begging, "Lord show me some sort of sign, please!" I read,I prayed, I consoled. I think I have done more research in a month than most people do in a lifetime. Everyday I could hear God's message, but couldn't make out the words. Then one day He screamed it at me....


OH SMOKES!! Did God just tell me I was a failure? This merciful God that created us out of love? Where's his compassion now? All of these thoughts raced through my mind that morning. All day I was bitter about his accusations. Yet, in my head, I knew he spoke the truth.

The next day I sat down and had a heart-to-heart; not with God, but with myself. God has been very patient with me and VERY forgiving. (I am the rebellious wild child) I have long known that God put me on this Earth to help teens have a positive outlook on life. When in college I developed an organization that would implement that purpose and possibly turn thousand of lives around. However, life occurred and I hit a rock in my path. Yet, in lieu of trusting God to move that rock out of my way...I went to Plan B. And that's where everything started progressing down hill.

See, God developed us for a purpose. Once that purpose is accomplished we are disposed of and replaced by a newer model. Harsh, but reality. (AKA, when one person dies, another is born.) That purpose he developed us for never changes. God doesn't have a Plan B,C, or in my case Z. What he has is a bunch of humans diverting from Plan A.

I have realized what I need to be doing. I am now gearing up to make those positive changes and get back on Plan A- God's Path!

Reflect on your life, what diversions have you made? What mission has God sent you to accomplish? Revisit it and figure out a way to "get-r-done".

There will be more on this topic in the near future. I have derived a daily devotional geared toward getting myself back on course with God. Join in and I am sure you will be joyful in your success!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Moving Forward

Today I vow to put the past behind. I will look forward to the future ahead and the life that I will create. God has a purpose for me and I will joyfully fulfill his purpose. In fulfilling his purpose I will enjoy the harmony that I bring to the world.

Long ago, I wrote a mission for my life and today I am determine to fulfill that dream.

I will live my life to make a difference in the lives of every person I meet.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

If you could start your life over what would you do differently?

This is the age old question that people often ask you to make you reflect on the negativity in our history. I don't agree with this question for two reasons:
1) Everything in my past makes me who I am today
2) If you want to change something about your life, then change it

Let me back up a bit. Tonight I was surfing the net looking for someone to tell me how to change my life for the better. I have been in a depressive rut lately and this has been a common search. Ultimately, I know what I need to do and have even started creating a website to help others. However, the project has been put on hold because I can't get my shit together. So every few days I roam the internet in search of my "quick fix". And every night, the ending is the same. I already know how to turn my life around, its just a matter of taking charge and doing it.

Tonight, I came across a blog that asked "If you could start your life over what would you do differently?" And that's when it hit me.I would never start my life over;it is impossible. If you aren't getting the most out of your life...Change it!

You see, everything in my past makes me who I am today. I have made a lot of bad decisions and a lot of good ones. I have had people do me wrong and alter my life beyond my control. Others have helped me when it wasn't there place. All of these things have made me the charismatic person I am today. I would never go back and change these events. Be it true, I wish some of them had not occurred and I have lived things that I would not wish on enemies. However, every chapter in my life has only increased the suspense of how my story will end. (Don't worry, this will be one long novel)I would never take away from that.

If you want to change something about your life, change it! It truly is that simple. We all have events in our lives that we wish didn't occur, but we cannot change the past. No matter how much we want to "start life over"; it will not happen. All we can do is create the life that we desire and make it effective today. Not tomorrow, today! If you want more money, then start today making changes. Save money, cut back expenses and develop a plan. Take action and make it occur. If you want to be more organized; take an hour and develop your own personal system to becoming more organized.

There are tons of resources on the internet "getting it toether" including the website that I am creating with my dear friend Shannon ( However, you know what you need to do. Just do the immediate solutions that come to your head. You can research a better method after you take the first step- making the change yourself. If you don't take the initiative now, these sites will only delay your procrastination.

I am making a commitment right now to get my life in order and get out of this depressive rut. I know this will mean a lot of struggles. I have a lot of unresolved problems sitting on the table, but I am determined to get them resolved. Each day I will tackle one item off my master to do list. I will get all these procrastinated items done and begin creating a life I love!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Songs of my life

Using the title of one song I will describe myself.

Song that reminds me of my father:Elvira by the Oak Ridge Boys

Song that reminds me of my mother: Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler

Song that describes my childhood:I Don't Care by Apocalyptica

Strength song:Stand In The Rain by Superchick

Depressed song:Changes by Kelly and Ozzy Osbourne (I actually like this version better than Black Sabbath)

Spiritual song:Every Breath You Take by Police

Love song: Amazed by Lonestar

"Warms your soul" song:Christmas Eve in Sarajevo by Trans Siberian Orchestra

Kick Ass song:Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppord

Current location:California Dreamin' by The Mammas and Pappas

If my life was a TV show what would be the theme song:Cheers

Song describes my current love life: Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson

Meaning in life: The Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics

Best advice: What About Now by Westlife

Crazy, just get up and dance song:Gonna Make You Sweat by C&C Music Factory

And in the words of Loney Tunes...That's All Folks!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

And the search continues - total rambling

As many of you know, Manly Half and I are both on the job hunt. Thankfully, we were not let go, but rather it is our own choice. I quit due to the lengthy commute and his job, well it just sucks!

So today, I got a call from a contractor and learned he had not chosen to hire me. Prior he seemed really interested. I talked to him on the phone twice for interviews, took a personality test, and gave him my references. From the get-go he was concerned about how soon I could start because of the relocation and I think that was the killer. Still, I can't help but ponder why....Did I fail the personality test? Was it something I said? Why can't I get a job? This is the second time in a row that I have come up as the #2 candidate. Which the manly half so nicely reminded me tonight... "#2 is the first loser"...Butthole!

Then I reflect on my past jobs. I have been extremely fortunate in the positions I have held. I used to work for an ambulance manufacturer on their sales team. They were even going to let me telecommute, but I decided to become a stay at home mom. That was back in 2002. If I was still there I would be making $$$ now. My last job which I loved, was for community association property management. I was the portfolio manager's assistant. I was in the process of training to be a portfolio manager by the end of this year. However, the commute was actually costing us money. Money that we do not currently have. So another career I threw away.

I am hoping to find another property management job,but this time I am not going to settle for the first company that offers me a job. I want to stay somewhere and grow within the company. I am exhausted from the job hunting and relocations. I want to be settled and raise my family where they can develop life long friendships. That said, I don't care where my family relocates too, but this will be the last move for quite some time.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bubbly Toes

Okay I haven't been blogging on a regular basis and I promised I would. So short and sweet here it goes....

This song rocks! It reminds me of my husband everytime I hear it. Although the lyrics are harsh it is all said in love and laughter. If you can't take a joke from those you love, then you need time for reflection. Although he has never referred to my "eyes as big as bubbly toes" boobs have been labelled "avocadoes in a sock". And it makes me laugh everytime. (The price you pay for having 3 awesome kids)

So I don't really have much to say, except I love this song. I guess my point is this: next time don't take a comment so personal; roll with it!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

So-long Dr Pepper

Okay so the hubby has been telling me to get off the Dr Pepper soda junk because the sugar is causing a lot of my problems. I hate to admit it, but I think he is right once again. (shhhhh...don't tell him) hee, hee.

Anyways, I researched it a bit tonight and must fully agree with Dr.Bonine.

The constant consumption of pop (usually Mountain Dew or Pepsi) over extended periods of time during the day allows your mouth to grow bacteria that live on sugar. When you bathe your teeth constantly in Pepsi or Mountain Dew, the bacteria, with a constant supply of sugar, are able to grow and produce acids that lead to the decay of your teeth. This decay level is so fast that no dentist is able to keep up with it. Pepsi and Mountain Dew are referred to the most, as they are the highest in sugar and caffeine content.

What we know about sugar and caffeine is that they are both addicting substances with associated withdrawal episodes. The symptom of a caffeine withdrawal is characteristically a headache, while a typical sign of sugar withdrawal is a depressive low feeling. Studies have been performed on laboratory rats involving sugar addiction and heroine addiction. First, rats are addicted to both substances. Then, the sugar or heroine is placed on hot plates or electric shock plates that the rats have access to. Observations showed that the rats addicted to sugar were willing to undergo hotter hot plates or higher amounts of electrical shocks to have the substance they were addicted to. Caffeine goes hand in hand with sugar addiction and soda companies strive for their consumers to develop addictions to their product. Having an occasional soda is not a problem. The Agricultural Department recommends no more total sugar each day that what is in an entire 12 oz. soda. The problem is that many people pick up a six-pack or an eight pack in the morning so that they can consume soda all day long. As a result, their teeth are constantly immersed in sugar. Sugar in the body takes two hours to burn off. When someone has their first can of Pepsi it will stay with them and give them a "high" for about two hours. This is followed by withdrawal and thus the consumer reaches for another Pepsi to bring them back up to the "high feeling." Sugar has such a reliable two-hour frequency that Dr. Pepper at one time had an advertisement called the "Dr. Pepper Picker Upper." The jingle for that ad went something like, "Have your Dr. Pepper at ten, two, and four." The soda company knew that people would have their sweet roll with breakfast and then when they were coming down off of that sugar high they would have their "Dr. Pepper Picker Upper" at 10:00 a.m. and obtain a burst of energy. People would then eat lunch at noon, and by 2:00 p.m. when they were burning off that sugar they could have their soda. This would be followed two hours later by the final 4:00 p.m. soda.

The key to beating these addictions involves several factors. First off you must go through sugar withdrawal. Sugar withdrawal can be difficult, and the only way to do it is to go "Cold Turkey." To do this, you must read every food label and make sure to consume no sugar, which will perpetuate the desire to have something sweet. This must be done for two weeks. At the end of the two-week period you may find that the consumption of a 16 oz. Pepsi will leave you nauseated because your body will no longer be in the habit of burning sugar.

After the two weeks time you will need to change your diet. You will also have to do things to start helping your teeth. Peridex is usually prescribed, as it is an antibiotic mouthwash, which cleans out all of the "bad bugs" that were living off of the sugar. Over-the-counter fluoride is also recommended to help remineralize and strengthen the teeth. It is very important to get the decay on the teeth under control. If the sugar addiction is not stopped, the bugs will grow on your teeth and you will rot them out faster than your dentist can fill them.

You can read more about his findings at his website.

All of this information has led me to the conclusion I must kick the Dr Pepper habit immediately. Well, at least after I finish just this one. However,my research also told me my addiction to Dr Pepper is the sugar; therefore I must forgo all sugar products. OMG!!! Absolutely no sugar? I am going to lose it these next 2 weeks.

Okay so starting tomorrow for 2 weeks, no sugar for me. Join me on the quest and rid your body of the destroying toxin.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A day of Thanks...2 days late

This is late,I know. I kept thinking I would get a moment to blog, but I have been chilling with my family for the past two days. It has been bliss!

Anyways, Thanksgiving means a lot to me this year. Most importantly, I am thankful for all the treasures God has blessed me with and hope that he will continue to shower me with his love. Here are the quirky things that urk me, but truly would be missed if gone:
- the body heat that Mr.HardA puts off; our bed becomes a sauna by 2AM
- McFly shouts everytime he has to tell you the correct genelogy of a dinosaur
- the fact that Ms.Know-it-all thinks its faster to put 23 dots on a piece of paper, rather than using proper addition form
-Trouble stays up an extra hour after "bedtime" singing yelling nursery songs
-My mother has to call you 400 times until you answer the phone, with no regards to the fact that you may simply be unavailable
-You can talk to SD for 2 minutes about something and he will spend the next hour sharing unrealted stories from his childhood
-My sister can go from zero to bitchy in 3 seconds flat; mostly due to finding herself at age go girl!
-the dog has been whining to come inside for the past 20 minutes
-the cat won't get off my keyboard

That's the list. And let me not forget, I am thankful for you...someone who cares enough to read my blog.

Luv ya,

Monday, November 23, 2009

Funny, but so not funny

This clip really needs no comment. Lindsey Graham pretty much sums it up. I just want to pose the question: At what point do you stop being a politician and look at the good for our country?

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